Bonded and Framed windows for horseboxes are some our most popular products that we make for our customers and can be fitted to any size unit…
From our standard range to customised/bespoke made windows… We can make the product to you exact specification…
Framed Windows – We offer POV (Plant on Vertical), POS (Plant on Side), POF (Plant on Fixed), PO3 (Plant on Side) but with 3 panes of glass… These all come in our standard sizes, but can be made any specification… You have a choice of glass – from the standard clear glass, bronze or tinted glass to privacy glass… You can also choose the colour of your frames – standard mill, black, white or if you have a specific colour in mind, just let us know the RAL number…

Step Back or Bonded Windows – By far the most popular window for horseboxes… They look modern and sleek and again they come in our range of standard sizes and shapes to custom windows, made to your specification… These have no external frame for the premium look of continuous run of glass…
You have as choice of radius or square frames for the bonded windows and several different shapes – please see below…

Flush Bonded Windows – These take the bonded window to the next level… As the name suggests, the glass is flush when closed… There is a clever little device on the inside of the window that brings the sliding pane back a few MM to allow it to slide behind the fixed pane of glass… It then just slides back into place when you are wanting to close it… The windows are bonded directly to the wall of the vehicle/unit…
Fillers – These are just pieces of glass that is used to as the word suggest, fill in a gap of a run of Horsehead windows or finish the run of if shaped…

All our glass is Toughened Safety Glass – E43R marked to comply with regulations…
You can call us on 01977 604977 or drop us an email to If you are local you are always welcome to come along and take a look at our impressive showroom based at our facility in Sherburn-in-Elmet near Leeds.